
about me

about me
My name is Justin Lasagna. I am in Ms. Terrells 11th grade English class. I am trying to Figure out if ghosts are real. I have always been curious if they were real or not.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

non believers

In Are Ghosts Real by Michael Anissimov, he talks about why ghosts don’t exist. He asks a lot of unanswerable questions about are ghosts real or not like “Why, despite the existence of millions of video cameras for at least a couple decades, has no one ever captured a convincing video of poltergeist activity? Why is all the evidence for ghosts purely anecdotal?” (Anissmov). Many scientists have stated that what we believe to be ghosts could be many of multiple logical cases as in sleep paralysis and infrasound which could make u believe a ghost is touching you or controlling you.

Anissimov makes a lot of good points. It is curious as to why there hasn’t been and solid photography about ghosts. I feel that to some degree he is right but I also feel that he is partially wrong. How do we know that we would be able to even capture clear pictures of ghosts on film or in pictures? Maybe there is something we don’t know about that is stopping them being seen. When he refers to the scientists work I also agree to some degree that they are right but again I also feel that there may be ghosts or spirits acting upon too. There is no proof that every weird feeling we get is a ghost or an infrasound. How do we know what is what? How can we prove what people truly feel or experience?

Anissimov, Michael. "Are Ghosts Real?." conjecture corporation, 07/4/2010. Web. 7 Apr 2010. .


Ms. Leslie Terrell said...

Nice job. PUnctuate title and fix u
