
about me

about me
My name is Justin Lasagna. I am in Ms. Terrells 11th grade English class. I am trying to Figure out if ghosts are real. I have always been curious if they were real or not.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Response 1

This article talks how even though scientists dismiss the fact that there are ghosts, there is still a mystery about if they are real or fake and what truly does happen after death. "There have been theories that state that human minds not only have the power to imagine dead people, but also can see them." This could be a reason why ghosts exist in peoples minds. Sometimes horrible deaths or premature deaths may leave a strong imprint on a human in a certain area. call this the energy of history. The International Society of Ghost Hunters was formed to find evidence of the existence of ghosts. They went to places around the world were people claimed they had seen ghosts inhabiting that area. Throughout history ghosts have been seen all over. Even in most religions ghosts or spirits are acknowledged.

I do believe that there are some types of ghosts out there. I’m not sure if ghosts are there because of a premature or gruesome but I do believe there are spirits in this world. I also agree with theologists that many people do make up images in there mind of ghosts walking among us. I feel that there are very few actual ghosts out there.

"Are Ghosts Real?." / Wet Pluto, n.d. Web. 26 Mar 2010. .