
about me

about me
My name is Justin Lasagna. I am in Ms. Terrells 11th grade English class. I am trying to Figure out if ghosts are real. I have always been curious if they were real or not.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

biblical stand

In the online article, it explains the biblical stand on whether or not ghosts exist. It claims that ghosts aren’t actually what we believe them to be. They claim that what we believe to be ghosts are actually demons from hell that haunt us. The biggest example would be “the mysterious rappings with which modern spiritualism began, late in the 19th century, was not the result of human trickery or cunning, but was the direct work of evil angels, who thus introduced one of the most successful of soul-destroying delusions.” Ghosts aren’t a spirit or lingering soul in a certain place with unfinished business. They are sent from hell to corrupt us.

The article does make good points about ghosts being evil spirits. There have been many reports of people claiming to be possessed throughout history. You also never hear about any good ghosts. All ghosts you hear about are evil and haunting so who is to say that they aren’t demons and that the scripture from the bible is real. There is no proof claiming what they say is wrong but there is no proof claiming its correct also. With the incident with the rappings is quiet a stretch about demons. I don’t think it was necessarily a ghosts or a demon, just an excuse when they had no one else to blame.

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"" Are Ghosts Real., n.d. Web. 4 Apr 2010 .